TC10248 (LTC 999)
Jane Brooksbank is keen to trace the current owner of this TC which was bought by her husband from a garage on Ripon Road, Harrogate and was owned from 1965 to 1968. Having tried the ‘Lost and Found’ facility in the MG Owners Club, she has received one response from a previous owner, who she thinks bought it after the person who bought it from her husband back in 1968. It had been in a nasty accident and needed some work, which he completed.
The car is shown as being on the road from a search of the DVLA’s enquiry facility and is green in colour, which it was in Jane’s Husband’s ownership (with a red grille).
The car is on the T-Database, so there should be a good chance of tracking it down.
Janeebrooksbank(at) [please substitute @ for (at)]
CKD TCs sent to Eire in 1946 (Chassis numbers 1752 to 1787)
Chris Ferneyhough owns TC1768, one of 36 CKD (Completely Knocked Down and supplied as a kit) TCs sent to Ireland in 1946. Chris is trying to trace the early history of his TC and would like to know who assembled these CKD cars in Ireland and where did they assemble them?
I would hazard a guess and suggest that it is unlikely that there would have been more than one agent for the building of these cars, but does anybody know?
TF2385 (484 HYK) and TD registration number NI 6777 (chassis number unknown)
Jan Mazgaj has asked for help in tracing two cars he used to own. His association with MGs goes back to 1961 with his first car, a TA for which he’s only a black and white photo of it ‘hidden’ under a tarpaulin. He bought the TA before he was even able to drive but sadly does not have a record of it. The TF1500 pictured below (TF2385) was used as his daily driver ‘in all winds and weathers’, but that was the requirement at the time!
His TD (chassis number unknown) is pictured below with Jan and his wife in the front and a pal and his in the rear. These were the days before seat belts and Jan says he often used to drive around like that!
TF10009 (621 CYH)
Colin Hithersay’s TF1500 is a RHD export model that he was told, when he purchased it, was originally for Rhodesia.
He can’t find any history to confirm that, but it was re-imported in August 1976 from Kuwait.
From this date he has a complete history until he purchased it, but he would still like to find the missing pieces of the jigsaw.
Colin’s e-mail is colin.hithersay(at) [please substitute @ for (at)]
TC0918 (JUM 427)
Since the request for details of the present owner of this car was published in the previous Issue, Peter Richmond, whose father used to own this car, has received a photograph of the car as it is now.
Whilst this is welcome progress, Peter would still like to get in contact with the present owner.
He can be contacted on 07731480291 or pfrguitar(at) [please substitute @ for (at)].
FVN 292 (TC10157)
Mike Jones has asked me on behalf of an elderly gentleman he met in a coffee house if the owner of this late TC can be traced. It was owned many years ago by this gentleman, who ran his own garage business. (I can’t make out what he did to the grille, or is it just painted two colours?).
The car comes up on a DVLA search as being “Not taxed for on road use” with the date of the last V5C issued as 19th June 2009.
Mike would be pleased to pass on any replies received.
mikej(at) [please substitute @ for (at)].
Re: CKD TCs sent to Ireland in 1946
The MG assembler in Ireland from 1938 to the mid 1950s was Booth Brothers Ltd., in Dublin. Booth Brothers merged with W.F. Poole Ltd., the Morris Commercials assemblers, around 1954/55 forming Booth Poole Ltd.who continued assembling a variety of BMC cars until 1971.
As an aside, there is absolutely no logic in referring to Ireland as Éire, the Irish language name of the country. That would be like referring to Germany as Deutschland or Poland as Polska!
I have TC4599 made in January 1948 which was exported to Dublin in CKD form to Booth Bros Garage. It was brought back to this country in 1950 sadly with a different engine which I am loath to change due to its age.