A summer and winter TD

Issue 58 included some pictures of Dieter Wagner’s TD in soft top and hardtop versions.

Dieter explained that he has only one set of side screen frames for his TD, but two sets of curtains are needed; one set for the soft top version in fawn and one for the hardtop version in black. Therefore, he changes the curtains to the frames as required for summer or winter use. He took great care for the fitting of the side screens starting with the frames. All angles have to match with the front screen frames and the body. He made patterns of hard paper for the side screen covers. For the hardtop version of the side screens, Plexiglas was used.


The three previous pictures were sent to me by Joe Lloyd. The car is chassis number TC9515.

ANOTHER TD HARDTOP (from John Woodward)

“Seeing in issue 58 the nice photographs of the 1953 Red TD with hardtop has prompted me to look again at my TD hardtop, which has been waiting for restoration for over forty years. This came with my (also red) ‘53 Mark II. The car had been well used when I bought it and although I’m not sure of the history, it had modifications and signs of having been used in competitions.

I have been told that hardtops were not made at the Factory, but the construction of mine is unlike any other that I have heard of, or seen pictures of, and if any were made as a works hardtop, I believe this is probably it.

Briefly, the construction is of ash, skinned in aluminium, fully lined and insulated. The covering is the same fabric as the hood and side screens. It has 3 well-proportioned laminated flat glass windows with beautiful one-piece chrome frames and the overall shape follows that of the hood with the rear side screen in place.

The hardtop is presently garaged in London and stored in such a way that limits any good photographs hence only the two. In preparation for restoration, the covering, lining etc have been removed, but kept for future reference. The window frames are already re-chromed (one shown). I thought that before restoration I would investigate if there is anyone out there who may think it worthwhile to use it as a pattern for further production and to see if there is any real demand. Maybe it would also fit a TF and could be adapted to fit other T-Types.”

2 thoughts on “A summer and winter TD

  1. Stanley Daamen says:

    Hi John and Joe

    I like the shape of the MG TC hardtop very much, and would like to know a bit more about it (sizes and photos are welcome)
    The hardtop that hangs as a restoration object in the garage seems to be a different type, the rear window is larger and lies at an angle to the rear.
    If there is more interest in a reproduction please let me know?
    With kind regards, Stanley Daamen

  2. Arjaan Bernaards says:

    Hello Joe,

    A great MG-TC hardtop. Is it a in-house project or any professional business involved?
    I should like some more information about it if possible ;

    Best Regards,

    Arjaan Bernaards

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