Lost and Found

Robin Drewett is hoping that someone out there can shed some light on a TA, registration mark AJB 406.

Robin says that the car was owned by a friend of his (Roger Brewer) sometime around 1960. He died some 15 years ago. His widow would like to pass on any history of the car to a grandchild.

Robin recalls driving it, before the engine ‘blew up’ when driving around Gerrards Cross!

Information about another TA (TA2951 FKN 849) is being sought by Bob Rose. This one has surely survived?

Bob says it was a wonderful car, taking him unfalteringly between Oxford and Leicester every weekend in all weathers for the best part of two years, after which he thought it deserved a complete restoration. This was completed in about 18 months and the photo reproduced here was taken some time after. Bob also has other photos but sadly they are not of high quality, the colour ones being taken on a fairly rudimentary Kodak Instamatic camera and the monochrome taken on a Polaroid Land camera. They also suffered the ravages of time prior to being scanned into a computer some years later!

FKN 849 is shown on the DVLA website as “Untaxed – Tax due 1st May 1989” so the probability is that it is sitting quietly somewhere.