The Editor

Well, it’s been a bit of a roller-coaster! The reception for the new website and new magazine has surpassed my wildest dreams. Within three weeks of starting up we reached a milestone of 500 “subscribers” and now, at the time of writing, we are on 711. I confidently predict that we will soon reach 750.

I would like to thank visitors to the website for their ‘welcome’ comments and would also like to encourage readers to continue to comment on the website versions of the articles – whether it is to compliment the author, to ask for clarification on a point, or to start a discussion.

First out of the traps is some news on MG Spares Day at Stoneleigh. The 2011 date is Sunday 20th February. The lady who has run the event for the past 4 years, Lyn Bateman of Vintage & Classic Events, has sold the business to ‘Live Promotions Events Ltd’; this company runs Race Retro plus other Classic events. As usual, I shall be sharing a stand with Brian Rainbow and we will be at our usual pitch opposite Barry Walker’s stand in Hall 1. It will be good to catch up with many of you, particularly as I didn’t attend Silverstone in June.

I was saddened to learn of the passing of Bill Wallis, President of the MG Car Club. Bill was an exceptionally kind man and that is how I shall remember him. When he heard that I had not renewed my MGCC membership he wrote to me and asked me if there was anything he could do. He used to write regularly when I was TTT editor and thank me for his complimentary copy and say how much he enjoyed it.

The cover photo for this issue is of Malcolm and Linda Sayers’ TD. When you read of the trips and mileage they have covered in the car over the last 13 years you won’t fail to be impressed, both at their stamina and by the reliability of the TD. True to form, they are out and about as I pen this editorial. They left home on 28th August for an event in Corsica (a mere hop, skip and a jump for these seasoned travellers!) and they are calling in at Angouleme on the way back.

My good friend in Argentina, Marco di Paolo has just e-mailed to tell me about a new TC ‘find’ in Argentina. It is TC0324, which still has its original engine (XPAG 1019). An extract from his e-mail reads as follows: “From the land of Fangio, Balcarce, Province of Buenos Aires (450 km far from the capital) a TC was discover!!!!! It is in a very, very bad condition, but is alive!!!!” TC0324 was completed by the Factory on 11th December, 1945 and was one of a number of very early TCs which were imported into Argentina by the agents, Agar Cross. I’ve asked Marco to send a photo if he can get hold of one.

As we continue to develop the website we now have a Parts for Sale section. If you want to sell any surplus MG T-Type parts, or if you are looking for a particular part, you can place a free For Sale or Wanted advert in the knowledge that you are reaching a worldwide audience and one that is growing in numbers.

It is said that the only certainties in life are death and taxes. I can add one more certainty, which is that downloads of TTT 2 will always be totally free of charge. Having given this pledge, I am aware that some Internet subscribers have said that they would like to make a small donation. I am happy to accept donations on the grounds that I have arranged a small print run for each edition of TTT 2. I have done so to satisfy the needs of those who do not have Internet access and probably never will, as the cyber age has passed them by.

The problem with small print runs is that they are hideously expensive and I cannot charge ‘hard’ copy subscribers the going rate. I also plan to send contributors a complimentary copy so the net result is that I am currently out of pocket. Whilst this is not of major concern to me it would be nice to be able to afford some jam on my bread and butter (only joking!); so, if you are so inclined, a section has been added to the website, listing the ways in which you can help the cause, including making a donation. You can view these at

At the time of writing, I still have some printed copies of the August issue so if anybody would like to sign up as a ‘hard’ copy subscriber the cost is £15 for the August, October and December 2010 issues. You can pay via PayPal by sending the payment to jj(at) (substitute @ for at).

This month’s issue contains the following articles:

● Front cover story –TD11153
● Fitting an alternator to the TC/TD
● Buying a T-Type – Caveat Emptor!
● A luggage rack offer for your TA/B/C
● Performance issues with modern fuel
● Simplifying the task of draining and re-filling the brake system on the TD/TF
● Mounting the front springs on the TC chassis
● The Lech Zakrzewski Oil Filter Converter for an MG TA.

Finally, I’m pleased to be able to let you know that Jonathan Goddard’s new book on the TD should be available sometime in week commencing 4th October. Ordering details are on page 13. We have brought forward a new regalia section on the website especially for this. It is at the following address: Further regalia items will be added in due course.

Well, that’s about it for now – hope you enjoy Issue 2 of Totally T-Type 2!