TF3616 It’s nice to be able to report a success. In Issue 65 (April 2021) Andy Kirk was enquiring about a TA, TC and TF he owned at various times in the 1960s. No news yet on the TA or TC, but the current owner of TF3616 – 594 AMX has been in touch with Andy and details have been exchanged.
TC???? (FSC 837)
Derek Kitchener is enquiring about his first car. Having qualified at St Andrews University in 1955, he purchased this TC from a Dundee garage. Derek has happy memories of this “lovely little car” and wonders if it is still around.
derekkitchener987(at) [substitute @ for (at)]
Log book for CVD 101 The editor knows of an original log book for this car (which may not be a ‘T’). Contact jj(at) [substitute @ for (at)].
TA0367 (CRB 539)
Charles Penny would like to find out if there is any ownership/knowledge of his car prior to 1965. CRB 539 is in fact the car on this issue’s front cover but this photo was taken several years’ ago. It would have started out life as a Derby area car (CRB is a Derby registration).
If you can help, Charles can be contacted at: charles.penny(at) [Please substitute @ for (at)].
TC7257 (DPR 132)
Chris Runciman’s brother met the owner of this car at a Show in Dorset. He acquired the car last year, but knows nothing of its history, apart from the fact that it was exported to the US and came back to the UK via France. Contact jj(at) [substitute @ for (at)].
Rob Reilly in the US asks if anyone has information on this car. If you can help, please email the editor.