Lost and Found

TD25840 (YMG 98)

During the course of my work for the MG Octagon Car Club as their DVLA representative I talk to, and/or correspond with, lots of interesting T-Type owners. One such chap is ‘Ron’ for whom I am currently applying to DVLA for an age-related plate for his TF, which has come in from the US.

Ron told me about the TD he used to own in the late 1960s. He bought TD25840 (registration mark YMG 98) for £299 in 1967. Ron used the car as a ‘work horse’ and travelled the country in it as a self-employed carpenter with his tools and accompanied by his mate. By the time he came to sell the TD he had racked up 66,000 mainly trouble-free miles.

The circumstances of the sale are quite fascinating. Ron advertised the car in the London Evening Standard and in no time received a call from a German who had picked up the (left behind in a railway carriage) newspaper and wanted to buy the car. Ron sold it for £3,500, which provided the funds for a self-build house for him and his family. Ron subsequently sold his self-build property for a lot more. Some shrewd investments!

According to the DVLA website YMG 98 is taxed and on the road, none the worse for Ron’s punishing schedule. If the current owner would like to contact me jj(at)ttypes.org {please substitute @ for (at)} I will put him or her in touch with Ron.

TC10223 (KOE 194)

I keep my PB in my daughter’s garage and I’m often to be seen fettling the car (I seem to spend more time doing this than driving it!). Quite a few passers-by stop for a chat and express an interest in the car. One chap who was keen to engage in conversation asked if the car was a TA. It transpired that he used to own a TC (KOE 194) nearly 60 years ago. He recalled having to sell it when he got married (57 years ago) and needed funds to buy a house.

Having looked up the DVLA website, the car is shown as “Untaxed – Tax Due 01 October 1995” so it has obviously been off the road for some time. TC10223 is thought to be in Essex and if the current owner would care to contact me at the e-mail address given in the first ‘Lost & Found’ item I’ll put him or her in touch with this past owner.

TB???? (GKE 762)

To break our journey from Keynsham to Chichester for the recent Totally T-Type 2 Tour of East Hampshire and West Sussex we stopped at Stockbridge, as this was nearly half-way. Having parked the car, a gentleman came up for a chat and said that he used to own ‘one of these’. On further enquiry, he said it was a TB but couldn’t at the time fully recall the registration mark.

I followed this up with David Carden, who obligingly left his telephone number. David has subsequently e-mailed this photo.

Taken in 1961, he sold it that year on posting to Cyprus for the princely sum of £53. Any ‘leads’ to the Editor, please at the jj e-mail address previously given.

Requests to DVLA for details of previous owners

If you are the registered keeper of a vehicle you can apply to DVLA for information on past owners. The form to fill in, accompanied by a cheque for £5 is V888. The website URL is:


Although I’ve owned my PB for nearly 20 years, I’ve never thought of doing this. I’ve just applied and will let you know how I got on in the next issue.