Category Archives: Issue 30 (June 2015)

The Editor

Welcome to Issue 30, June 2015.

I haven’t driven my PB any distance so far this year (shame on me!) as I’ve been busy, trying to finish my swept wing J2. There are lots of ‘tidying jobs’ to do before it goes up to Brian Taylor’s Garage in Hopton Heath, Shropshire to have the engine and gearbox fitted.

It’s amazing how long these ‘tidying jobs’ take; for example, it took me the best part of a day to make three running board tread strips for the off-side of the car. Never having done this job before, I suppose that I was ultra-careful not to make a mistake as the aluminium channel is supplied in 3.65 metre lengths and ‘one false move’ would have entailed buying another length.

It took me the best part of another day to drill the holes in my nicely painted running board to fit the channel and insert the rubber infill and then to fit the running board on the car. Still it was nice to stand back and say to myself “I did that!” However, on the downside, I have to do it all over again for the nearside running board!

Whilst not looking for excuses I do find that preparing this magazine (especially when copy is in short supply) and answering queries by e-mail eats into my time. Please remember that there is only one of me but there are around 3,600 of you (TTT 2 readers) worldwide!

Looking at forthcoming events which I would like to attend in the summer months of June, July and August, the first ‘must do’ is the MG Octagon Car Club Wings Run on Sunday 14th June. It is based on Newark Park, near Wotton-under-Edge, South Gloucestershire (picture below).

Newark Park

Newark Park is a National Trust owned Grade 1 listed country house, originally built in Tudor times and extended over the centuries. It is set in glorious surroundings and the Trust management is exceptionally permitting Wings Run participants to drive through the entrance gates and park on the grass around the house.

This is a non-profit making event for which the entry fee is a modest £5 per car to cover expenses with any surplus being donated to charity.

For an entry form either send an e-mail to the Club admin at admin ‘at’ or send a request enclosing an SAE to Wings Run Admin., MG Octagon Car Club, Sparkenhoe Business Centre, Southfield Road, HINCKLEY LE10 1UB.

On the same day there is a Classic Car event at the Gloucestershire and Warwickshire Railway at Toddington, near Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire.

If you can’t make this one there is another Classic Car event at Toddington Railway Station on 13th September.

It seems that Gloucestershire is well blessed with classic car events this summer for Pre-War Prescott is being held on Saturday 18th July. There is an exceptionally strong Triple-M entry for this year’s event which is, of course, open to TA and TB models (there was a good turnout of T-types last year despite the appalling weather). There is a Battle of Britain Victory Party and BBQ on the Saturday evening and also the Sunday Cotswold Navigation Rally and parallel Scenic Tour.

Full details are at


Finally, in August the Lancashire Lanes and Yorkshire Dales TTT 2 Tour is being held from Friday 21st August to Sunday 23rd August inclusive centered on the Stirk House Hotel in Gisburn, Lancashire.

Organisers Grant and Barbara Humphreys are putting together an interesting programme starting with some vintage racing films on the Friday evening with the Lancashire Lanes part of the Tour on the Saturday, including the ‘Pendle Witches’ followed by a gala dinner in the evening.

On Sunday we cross over the border into Yorkshire and the Dales, stopping off at the Bainbridge Vintage Car event and on to Skipton by lunchtime with a visit to the Castle in the afternoon.

If all this appeals to you, a vacancy has just arisen on the Tour. For full details of cost and entry fee please e-mail grant.chumphreys ‘at’



Totally T-Type 2 is produced totally on a voluntary basis and is available on the website on a totally FREE basis. Its primary purpose is to help T-Type owners through articles of a technical nature and point them in the direction of recommended service and spares suppliers.

Articles are published in good faith but I cannot accept responsibility or legal liability and in respect of contents, liability is expressly disclaimed.

Modified MGB 7 Blade fan

The MGB 7 blade fan requires 4 extra sleeves in the mounting holes to centre it on the MG TD and TF models using the original bolts. The standard fan mounting holes are all different in size due to the pressing. This fan is lighter than the original MG T-Series fan and operates far more efficiently to improve cooling.

It has been known that the original metal fans disintegrate due to metal fatigue with disastrous consequences.

Fig 1 – MGB 7 blade fan.

Fig 2 – Sleeved MGB 7 blade fan.

Fitting can be a nightmare – be prepared! It’s all very tight space in there but can be done with a little patience without removing the radiator. Proceed as follows:

Tape a thin sheet of cardboard on the inside of the radiator to save your knuckles. Remove the old fan blades using a 9mm 1/4″ drive socket and clean off everything.

The spacer flange which accepts the fan can rotate relative to its threaded back plate by a few mm. Fit a bolt first to align the holes and mark this position (flange/backplate) with an indelible pen for each of the four holes. This is very important as it can be very frustrating when you try to fit the fan and find that the bolts will not push through into the back plate and the bolt will not want to engage in the threads. You could clamp this position using a hose clip. Remember you have to rotate the flange to fit each bolt in turn and this tends to draw the holes out of alignment.

The fan can only fit one way round to avoid a clash with the thermostat elbow – this will be obvious. Photo 3 shows the side of the fan which goes on the flange. The clearance between the centre flange on the fan and the radiator is only 40mm so you may need a mirror to help fit the bolts as you cannot see the heads. Get each bolt started before you tighten it up.

I have attached another photo (Photo 4) of my installation for reference.

Fig 3 – Showing the side of the fan which goes on the flange.

Fig 4 – Another photo showing the installation in Declan’s TD.

Declan Burns
Liedberger Weg 6A
40547 Düsseldorf
Tel +49 211 371529 after 5pm.
Email : [email protected]
Note: declan underscore burns at web dot de

MG TD / TF Oil pressure adapter kit

The brake pressure adapter is basically a T-piece that simply replaces the union bolted on the bulkhead that connects the flexible pipe from the block to the pressure gauge on the dash.

With the ignition on, the switch contact closes at pressure P>~20psi and operates parallel to the oil gauge. The switch is connected to a relay and the relay is powered on at P>20psi. The normally closed contact on the relay then de-activates the warning lamp.

MGTD/TF Oil Pressure Adapter Kit

Fig 1 – Main kit, comprising oil pressure adapter, sample warning lamps and pre-wired relay module.

MGTD/TF Oil Pressure Adapter Kit

Fig 2 – Original oil pressure union. The oil pressure adapter replaces the existing union on the bulkhead.

MGTD/TF Oil Pressure Adapter Kit

Fig 3 – Pressure adapter installed and connected. It is mirrored to clear the coil and the copper pipe receives an S-bend.

The relay module (see Fig 1) is pre-wired and mounted in a plastic case which can be fitted behind the dashboard or the scuttle panel with Velcro strips.

The kit includes the wiring from the pressure switch to the relay module. The polished and lacquered warning lamps shown are available as an option.

MGTD/TF Oil Pressure Adapter Kit

Fig 4 – Samples of the warning lamp.

This is how it works:

Ignition – ON, engine OFF, no oil pressure, Warning light.
Start engine, when P>20psi Warning light OFF.
Engine ON, p<20psi, Warning light ON.
The warning light stays on until reset by switching off the ignition.

I have also developed a further slightly more complicated module which enables a buzzer to be connected.

When the ignition is switched on the buzzer is off and receives an operation permissive once the engine has been started and the oil pressure exceeds 20 psi. The buzzer going off every time the ignition is switched on would prove annoying. For this reason a test button is fitted to the circuit to enable the buzzer to be tested. This is how it works:

Ignition – ON & engine OFF, & no oil pressure, →Warning light ON & Buzzer OFF
Start engine, when P≥20psi →Warning light OFF & Buzzer OFF,
Engine ON & P<20 psi, →Warning light ON & Buzzer ON.

The warning light and buzzer stay on until reset by switching off the ignition.

This circuit is designed for cars with positive or negative earth.

MGTD/TF Oil Pressure Adapter Kit

Fig 5 – Buzzer module undergoing testing.

MGTD/TF Oil Pressure Adapter Kit

Fig 6 – Warning lamp combined with indicator lamp.

Declan Burns
Liedberger Weg 6A
40547 Düsseldorf
Tel +49 211 371529 after 5pm.
Email : [email protected]
Note: declan underscore burns at web dot de

Harry Lester, His Cars & The Monkey Stable

Lester MG Badge
Lester MG Badge

Stewart Penfound’s book, which was reviewed in the previous issue of TTT 2 has now been printed and is available directly from him. We will not be stocking it in the T-Shop to save an element of double handling. Any enquiries we receive via the website contact form or sent to the editor by e-mail will be forwarded on to Stewart and we have already passed a number of enquiries on to him.

You can order the book direct from a dedicated website Lester MG. It is priced at 25 GBP plus shipping charges, which are detailed on the website. A novel ‘freebie’ with each order dispatched is a bookmark in the form of a reproduction of Jim Mayers’ International Driving Licence.

TC10178 (and how one thing leads to another!)

TC10178 broke a half shaft in 1967 and was retired and put up on bricks in a lock up garage in Sheffield. By the time you read this it will be in France.

Just as I was starting to put together this issue of TTT 2 I was contacted by Norman Verona in France. He told me that he had just bought a TC and having found the TTT 2 website he uploaded the car’s details to the T-Database.

Norman moved to France about 10 years ago and owns a 9 acre farm known as La Foie. It is situated on the border of Pays de Loire and Brittany, just north-west of Angers, north-east of Nantes and south-east of Rennes.

There are old houses (the oldest is over 270 years) and barns on La Foie and also two gites, the Lotus Suite and the MG suite. (More about these later – Ed.)

To explain how “one thing led to another”, Norman had a booking for one of his gites from a member of the Midget & Sprite Club who lived in Sheffield. When confirming the booking Norman mentioned that he came from Sheffield, whereupon he was told about an old MG in a garage in the city which the owner wanted to sell. Communications started. It was an MG TC, made in 1949 and it had broke a half shaft in 1967 and had been in the lock up since then, on bricks.

Now, if you go to Norman’s website and click on MG TC you can read how he always wanted a TC and was going to get one for £100 at the age of 17 when he passed his driving test, but his uncle talked him into getting a bank loan and buying a new Mini.

You can also view several pictures of the TC as it is in its current state and read how Norman, with help from his wife Lynne, has cleared a space in the workshop to accommodate the car when it arrives on 28th April.

Norman is going to record progress with the rebuild of TC10178 on his website and has offered to provide a monthly summary of his blog for publication in TTT 2. I have gratefully accepted his offer.

Again, on the theme of “one thing leads to another” Norman mentioned that he served his apprenticeship with University Motors, starting there in 1961 as a lad of 15. As an editor always on the look out for a story, I could hardly let this pass so I remarked that this was potentially an article in its own right. Norman duly obliged with a lengthy article, part of which is reproduced below, to be followed by further extracts in future editions of TTT 2.

We tend to associate University Motors with the Stratton House address in Picadilly, LONDON W1 (as in mid 1930s advert below) …………

…but when Norman was serving his apprenticeship in the early 1960s there were several premises. Apart from the workshop in Carrington Street and Stratton House showrooms there were dealerships in Epsom and Kingston as well as a huge multi acre site in Boston Manor Road, Hanwell, London W7. When the leases on the workshop and showroom ran out in 1965 and a huge increase was demanded for lease renewal the Carrington Street workshop was moved out to Hanwell.

Over now to Norman for his reminiscences of the first couple of days of his employment with UM……..

“I started work on January 1st 1961. In those days it was not a public holiday.

I turned up at 7 am for the 8 o’clock start. I rode my bike in, parked it next to the engine rack (they had a huge rack with 60 “Gold Seal” exchange engines on display opposite the reception) and waited. At about quarter to eight, people started arriving. I meekly made my presence known and was taken to the foreman’s office in the first floor workshop.

Mac, the foreman was a short chap, in a white coat. He had 2 habits. Firstly he would constantly be giving himself a dry face wash, vigorously rubbing his face up and down with his hand. No harm but curious, maybe he had some skin irritation. No one ever mentioned it so I never asked why.

The second habit wasn’t so harmless. He would sidle up to you when you had a bonnet up and the engine running. Then he would put one hand on a spark plug lead whilst holding a finger on the other hand close to your nose. Let me tell you that 30,000 volts arcing from Mac’s finger to your nose was very unpleasant. Once caught you knew to be aware, but it was amazing how good he was in seeming to have genuine reason to look at what you were doing.

He also did this with the Champion Spark Plug cleaner and tester. The machine had a plug lead which would produce 30,000 volts for testing plugs. He had this trick where he would connect the lead to another and attach that to the metal work bench. As you went to the bench he would switch on and it was funny watching the victim leaping back from the bench.

Shocking behaviour!

Mac handed me over to Jimmy White who was to become my teacher, mentor and friend.

A word here about the core of men at University Motors in the Shepherds Market workshop; some of them had all worked there before the war (which ended only16 years earlier). They had all joined up in the tank corps together and went through the war together and returned to their jobs after. They didn’t speak of their experiences other than answering a direct question. “What did you do in the war mister” was a common refrain in those days. I’ll try and describe these characters as we go.

I was taken to the small workshop consumables store and Alf (the storeman) handed me a set of overalls and 20 cleaning cloths. The cloths were exchanged for clean ones along with clean overalls once a week. Kitted out in a pair of overalls which were about 4 sizes too big for me so the legs and arms were rolled up and the arse was about level with my knees, I must have looked like a real waif and stray. I can’t remember what we worked on that day but I just loved it. Heaven!

The next day we started work on time and Jimmy sent me down to the stores (nowadays called the parts department) for something or other. When I returned he was standing there with his usual little smile holding a job card. “Mac has sent me out to tow this car in. You better find something to do as I’ll be out all day”. No way, I was going with him and said so.

The company had an old Dodge SWB breakdown truck with a large crane on the back. However on this day, one of the worst weather wise that winter, it was so cold it wouldn’t start. In the basement was its brand new Land Rover series IIA which had been prepared at the bodyshop as a replacement for the ageing Dodge. It was light blue (I think they were all that colour) and was a long wheel base model, if memory serves me right they were described as “short” – 88″, and “long – 110”. The crane was on the back as you would expect and on the front firmly bolted to the steel girder known as a bumper (more like a battering ram) was a steel bar clamped on.

We got the ‘Landie’ up and set off down Piccadilly to our destination at a Service Station by the entrance to Brands Hatch in Kent. Weather? It was freezing and Kent had been cut off for two days with snow ploughs clearing single lanes on the main roads. The service station was on the A20 so we would get through. Exciting for a 15 year old! As we drove along Piccadilly both of us were literally shivering with cold. The Land Rover had no heater! So I disappear under the dash and remove the dozens of rubber bungs in the dash. It did get a bit warmer from the heat generated by the engine, but not much. At least the icicles on my nose melted!

Our journey there was uneventful until we got to the A20. The snow ploughs had cleared the road and a single lane had two huge walls of snow each side. Really, they were far higher than the cab of the Land Rover. I can remember looking up at the top, I had to duck down to see it! We arrived at the service station and pulled onto the forecourt.

The car we had come to collect was a Princess 4 litre R, the R denoting it had a Rolls Royce engine, not the one in the Shadow but an ali straight 6. It was parked at the side with the front stoved in. The outer service station parapet wall was lying flat on the forecourt side, almost in one piece where the car had driven into it on an icy road just before the snow came a week before.

We pulled the Land Rover in front and got the chains out, No point in protecting the front skirt or bumper, they weren’t repairable. “OK, Norm, get the chains on and wind her up”. With freezing fingers it wasn’t easy doing the U clamps up. I then climbed on the back of the Land Rover and started winding away. It required a massive amount of strength to lift this two ton car, but, weak and feeble as I was, it was slowly coming up as the cable wound around its drum and the ratchet clicked away.

Now then, I’m not sure if you’ve ever experienced a fifth sense of something occurring that you’re not actually aware of but feel it rather than hear or see it. I had that moment and stopped winding to turn round and look at Jimmy who was standing at the side, in the middle of the forecourt watching this poor little waif sweating in below zero temperatures, Except that he was no longer standing. He was writhing on the floor – in laughter, tears were rolling down his cheeks. I’m not exaggerating he really was helpless from laughter and rolling on the cold floor. He motioned with one arm for me to get down. I did and walked towards him. Turning round I observed a 2 ton Princess 4 Litre R with front wheels firmly on the ground and a Land Rover with both front wheels in clear air off the deck. Now we knew what the big steel bar on the front was for. Being a long wheel base and with a fairly long overhang of the crane was not the best configuration for a breakdown truck.

Being smart and having all that experience from the tank corps, Jimmy, when he had stopped laughing, asked the garage owner if we could “borrow” a bit of his broken wall; yes, of course, so we borrowed a big hammer and a chisel and broke the wall into smaller sections and loaded them onto the iron bar. Tied on with a bit of string the front wheels of the Land Rover were just touching the ground, but only just.

The journey back wasn’t too bad, slow but OK. That is until we got to the hill at Balham High Street. We were driving up the hill and the front wheels came off the road completely, Jimmy thought it great fun to be driving along whilst spinning the steering wheel from one lock to the other without any change in direction. Luckily the road there is straight and we levelled off without incident and carried on. We got back to the workshop at about 7 pm. Got changed and went home.”

Ed’s note: I hope you enjoyed this first instalment – I certainly did!

Reference was made earlier to the gîtes which Norman owns on La Foie. You can obtain details from his website.

However, by way of a ‘commercial’ I’m going to publish some details here as follows:

Perhaps the first point to make is that these gîtes (the Lotus Suite and the MG Suite) are not run on a commercial basis. Norman and Lynne are only looking to recover their costs. At the special rate offered to TTT 2 subscribers of £120 per week, when prices for other gîtes in the area in high summer can be as high as £600 per week, you can see that this is quite an exceptional offer.

The kitchen/dining area in the Lotus Suite (the MG Suite is similar)

To make a booking email [email protected] quoting the date you wish to arrive. Bookings are normally accepted on a Saturday to Saturday basis. You will get a response with confirmation of the booking, bank details for payment and a list of goods you may require Norman and Lynne to get for you (like wine, cheese, ham, soft drinks etc). A written route can be supplied from any of the ports. The use of SatNav’s is not recommended as they can take you the wrong way. This is especially true of the route between Rennes and La Foie as a lot of the road is new and the SatNav will take you the long way round.

Contact details are as follows:

Norman & Lynne Verona
La Foie, 49520, Noellet, France
Tel. Home 0033 (0)2 41 92 73 44
Tel. Mob France 0033 (0)7 70 70 23 79

Ethanol E10 – a Warning Notice

This was sent to the Editor by John Murray. Read about the petrol lawn mower destroyed by E10 in the ‘Bits & Pieces’ section.

Lost and Found

Another bumper crop!

First ‘out of the traps’ is a request from Alan Brittain for any information on the early life (pre-1975) of TC8168 (UML 270).

“My MG entered this world on 15th March 1949 finished in almond green with beige interior & hood, chassis number TC8168. It was registered in Middlesex at the end of March or early April 1949. I presume from the UML registration the car was possibly supplied by University Motors Ltd. Stratton House, Picadilly, London.

Who bought the MG or what happened to it for the next 26 years is a complete blank. The front offside wing tip and front apron have been repaired after a minor accident and a colour change to British Racing Green presumably before the trip over the pond to Minnesota for the next forty years.

The MG is still a matching numbers car with original engine.

I know this is a long shot to trace an MG that has resided outside the UK for over 40 years.

I will keep my fingers crossed that somebody might remember this little MG.”

Next: (from Switzerland)

TC6711 now residing in Switzerland

Swiss subscriber Erwin Kaelin has done a lot of research on his car as he details below:

“History is known back to the eighties. It’s told me, that HNX 639 was restored by Victoria Garage in Holyhead on the Isle of Anglesey. On 12th May 1986 Richard Procter of Plus 4 Motors in Mellor, Stockport, Cheshire bought it. Then TC6711 was sold to Charlie Yarwood, Adlington, Macclesfield, Cheshire, on 28th July 1986. 1998 Philip Ellis Mawnan Smith, Cornwall, bought the car. However, Philip never drove it and due to lack of space, HNX 639 was stored for 7 years in Wards End Garage of Nigel Schofield, Adlington, Macclesfield, Cheshire.

In 2005 Mr. Price got TC6711 by Internet, collected it directly at Wards End Garage by trailer and sold it to Roy Smith, Amlwch Port, North Wales. In the year 2007 my friend Allan Tucker, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire, bought the car and in 2011 he sold it to me. I picked up HNX 639 in Buckinghamshire by trailer and drove it home to Switzerland. It’s obvious that all the paperwork which Philip Ellis forwarded on to Mr. Price has disappeared. The purchaser, Roy Smith, said he never received them. As Roy told me, Mr. Price lived somewhere in Cornwall.

There is no old log-book. The V5C shows 5 former keepers. I suppose that Victoria Garages, Plus4 Motors and Mr. Price weren’t registered keepers, as they sold the car directly to their purchasers. So that means, that Charlie Yarwood must be the 3rd keeper. But there are two other former keepers. Is there anybody who might help me to fill a gap or two? V5C shows the date of 1st registration as 9th Nov. 1948. Is there a possibility to find out where HNX 639 was first registered? Does anyone have any history of this lovely car, anything, even the smallest detail (or even a suggestion/assumption), would be appreciated.

Erwin Kaelin
Schoenblickstrasse 5
CH-6045 Meggen SWITZERLAND {please substitute @ for (at)}

Ed’s note: HNX 639 is a Warwickshire County Council registration.

Next: GWS 490 (chassis number unknown).

Richard Hinton bought GWS 490 in 1966 and went to see it at Biggleswade on his scooter.
Sixteen years of age at the time, he restored it and 18mths later used to drive it to school. Going to College entailed keeping a car in a public car park in the open so he had to sell it in favour of a 4 year old 1098 MG Midget Mk 2, much to his regret.

The photos were taken in 1968 in Brookmans Park Hertfordshire.

Next: (from Bertrand Rohmer in Strasbourg, France).

TC904 (original UK plate FDG 155)

Bertrand has been trying for some time now to trace the history of his TC which he bought in 1975. The car had been “restored” in the 60ties, was dark blue and had bucket seats nicely trimmed in blue leather.

He remembers losing a front wheel twice before noticing that the axles had been fitted the wrong way round!

The car now sports its original black coachwork and has the correct seats fitted.

Next: Steven Dougherty e-mailed hoping to find the present owner of his father’s TB.

TB0444 (BRX 951) was owned by Steven’s father, who travelled extensively in the car in the 1950s.

With the help of Stewart Penfound, TABC Registrar for the T Register, the car was traced to a Swiss owner and ‘then and now’ photographs have been exchanged.

Steven’s father with TB0444 at an army barracks in the 1950s.

‘Then and Now’ – TB0444 parked in Galashiels, Scotland in 1954 and 60 years later in Epernay, France en route to Switzerland.

BRX 951 has a plaque on its dashboard “Supplied by Stocker & Shepherd Ltd., Waylen Street, Reading”. This rings true because ‘RX’ was a Berkshire County Council registration (Reading being in the County of Berkshire) and the registration mark was issued from 1939.

The car was bought in 1978 by Peter Farmer of Lutterworth, Leicestershire as ‘boxes of bits’, along with a TA in similar condition, from a Mr Dickon Daggit, then of Sunderland, but who moved to Cape Province in South Africa. Peter Farmer restored the TB and it was purchased by Darrell Hall, via Barry Walker in 1996.

The current owner, Carla Zolin-Meyer bought the car from a dealer in Chester and drove it back home to Switzerland. The TB will be motoring down to Sicily in June for the Targa Florio, organised by the MG Car Club d’Italia. I have been promised some photos.

Next: Pete Postle would dearly love to track down the original registration number of his TC (TC6993) which he thinks might have been in Lancashire with a second owner, possibly in Peterborough.

TC6993 has spent most of its life over ‘the pond’ (42+ years in California, 9 years in Oregon). It is in excellent order with original engine, chassis and body numbers.

TC6993 with age-related registration mark.

Next: Two enquiries from Keith Laddiman.

Keith owned this TA (registration mark FHN 229 – chassis number not known) in 1958; at 17 years of age it was his first car, which his father helped him to buy. Keith, being a bit of a ‘boy racer’, only knew how to drive one way and that was with his foot flat to the floor. The engine objected and became very sick and died. The resultant repairs, which included a replacement crankshaft, had to be paid for by his father and unfortunately for Keith his father decided to sell the car to recoup the money spent.

Keith has no idea where the car went but being his first he’d love to trace it.

Better luck with his other enquiry…………….

TC5795 – photo taken 40 years ago

Fast forward to the early 1970s and Keith purchased TC5795, registration mark KXD 505. The photo shows his wife in the driving seat with his son, two years old at the time, now forty two.

Unfortunately Keith was unable to keep the car and it was acquired by a restoration company, who then sold it on.

The present owner of TC5795 has been contacted and is looking forward to Keith getting in touch with him.

TC5795 as she is now.

Almost last, but not least, Simon Parker has just purchased TA0875, registration mark CON 771 and is keen to trace the history of his car.

Finally, Tom Eaves bought this TC (pictured in the snow in Cornwall) in 1972 and did a grand tour of Europe in the car. Where is it now?

Bits and Pieces

Clock repair services Just like the proverbial London bus, two come along at once!

1. The following was received from TF owner, David Hill:

“I would like to recommend a supplier that has given me excellent service and I believe should be in your list of suppliers. Indeed you could include an article on this service in TT2 if so inclined. Needless to say I have connection with this business other than as a satisfied customer. A friend of mine was looking for a repair to the clock in his XK140, in addition the clock in my TF was not working. He had got quotes for repair from various sources and the cost was extortionate and the time required lengthy. We cast around for another repairer and found ‘CLOCKS4CLASSICS’. After exchanging email messages, I sent them both clocks. My TF clock had no hands and did not run. I am delighted to say that both have been repaired in a week at acceptable cost. He even provided two hands for mine; they fitted perfectly, at no extra cost. The repair that is made is unusual but works perfectly. Rather than try to explain it, please see”

Ed’s note: The company offers a fixed price overhaul, or if you want to do it yourself they can provide a DIY kit with full instructions.

I have added ‘CLOCKS4CLASSICS’ to the Suppliers List.

2. YT (and past TA) owner, Jerry Birkbeck came up with the following:

“I have found a very useful contact in Redditch who repairs/rebuilds and restores chronometric instruments like ours, as well as oil pressure, water temperature gauges etc. He can also fabricate new faces with the correct type face and colour, bezels and glass. I used him to repair my Speedo on the YT.

His name is Richard Jenkins of C and V Instruments and his address is

B98 0HU

E-MAIL: woodykeys67 ‘at’ msn dot com
Phone: 07747357044

His turn around time was just under a fortnight and his charge was £90. Very helpful and a really good contact in a shrinking world of specialists in this field.”

Ed’s note: I have added C and V Instruments to the Suppliers List. I ‘googled’ to see if they have a website, but nothing came up.

The MG Octagon Car Club Spares Service

The MG Octagon Car Club provides a comprehensive spares service for the T-Series models and for the Y models. The spares lists can be downloaded here.

A couple of items which I have been asked for and about which I was unaware are as follows:

Dashboard transfers are in stock in black or white at £14.40 a set for members and £15.84 for non Members.

‘Wind wings’ for T-Types are in stock at £70 for members and £77 for non-members. The ‘landscape’ picture below shows one. It is, of course fitted the other way up with the slotted brackets fitting over the flat edge of the windshield side rails with the knurled knobs uppermost and toward the inside of the car.

How E10 Petrol ruined a lawn mower

John Murray e-mailed me from France, where he spends most of his time, with a cautionary tale about the harmful effects of E10-95 RON petrol.

A friend of his bought a brand new lawnmower just over 12 months ago and by accident he used E10-95 RON petrol in it. Shortly after buying the mower he had to return to England due to a medical problem in the family and was unable to get back to France for nearly 12 months.

For all this time the lawn mower remained dormant in his workshop.

Attempts to start it up on his return proved fruitless, so he asked John’s neighbour – a fully trained mechanic – to have a look at it. When the fuel system, filters and carburettor were stripped out the owner got a nasty shock. The cadmium plating on the metal parts had dissolved! So too the in line fuel filter rubber seals, diaphragm and carburettor seals. The corrosion inside the carb had to be seen to be believed.

The moral of this unfortunate tale is don’t leave this type of fuel in the tank (in this particular case it was probably unavoidable) but better still, use a premium grade fuel. I swear by BP Ultimate.

Running Board Tread Strip

I’ve been busy making the tread strips for the running boards on my swept wing J2. I sourced the aluminium channel and rubber infill strips from C.O.H. Baines in Tunbridge Wells. This link takes you to the 19mm channel which is suitable for the TC.

Local Suppliers/Services in Mid-Cornwall

Some recommendations from Graham Murrell:

Fuel Tank Weld Repairs

Graham used Newquay Radiators at Units 3A & 3B, Roche Ind. Estate, St. Austell Cornwall, PL26 8Ql. They flushed the tank out, welded the foot area of his tank and carried out a pressure test all for £115.18 inc VAT. A price he did not consider to be too expensive.

Paint – Sequoia Cream Cellulose

Graham has found JCA Coatings Ltd, P-Bugle, Unit 1A Rosvear Road Industrial Estate, Bugle, St. Austell, Cornwall, PL26 8PJ extremely helpful in offering to mix this paint, the colour being based on the old paint code of YL 5. He will feedback the results in due course.

Hoods (not in Cornwall)

Coming up to a year ago Don Hoods (Birmingham) fitted a new Mohair hood to Graham’s Rover 216 Convertible. They fitted the hood over 2 days. The car stands out in all weathers and has not let in a drop of water to date, there is minimal wind noise and the finish is superb. The cost was a total of £660.00 as quoted, which included some remedial work on the fitting, involving welding.

Don Hoods can supply and fit T-Type hoods in a variety of materials and based on Graham’s experience he would well recommend them.

Making your own MG TD wiring loom

(Laurent Castel from France describes how he made his).

Would you guess that our little British cars feature 134 m of cables with 42 references ?

The electrical diagram is presented in the workshop manual. Different versions are commonly seen on websites. But manufacturing schematics are never seen. What diameter for each wire? What length of each colour? What length and diameter for each conduit? So I drew my own schematics based on the old loom and some measurements on the car itself. The goal is not to install a new original loom but a better one with the benefit of better materials and advanced knowledge and experience.

However, the fuse box with 2 fuses only remains because it is lovely. And I’m confident that short circuit with a brand new wiring loom seldom occurs, once tested.

There are two more reasons for building my own wiring loom. First, my car is RHD and I guess that “ready to fit” wiring looms are for LHD cars. (Wiring looms for RHD TDs are available – Ed).

Second, my car has some specific equipment (as any 60 years old car) that would require some additional wires to the standard loom. Lucas colour wires are available from Autosparks at reasonable cost. The use of these coloured wires leads to easy wiring. The risk of errors is almost zero. All wires with the same colour are connected together and never with a different one. Both sides of connectors must show same colour wires, pin to pin. I also ordered all connectors and terminals from the same web shop.

Designing the Loom (Figure 1)

Figure 1 shows the overall schematic, describes what is fused, what is monitored by the ammeter and what is switched by the ignition key.

The loom has to supply the following additional equipments:

– an auxiliary rear fuel pump with a switch on the right hand side of the dashboard.

– a heater fan switched by a command on the right hand side of the dashboard.

– independent rear and front flashers fitted on the bumpers. The command switch is under the dash on the rightmost part.

– a lamp in the glove box. Switch is included in the lamp.

– an oil pressure switch which will drive a buzzer.

– a reverse switch for reverse lights. Only wires are implemented since I don’t want to add these lamps right now.

– a single fog light.

The centre panel is removable thanks to usual 6 way spade connectors and 2 pole connectors.

Wire gauges are selected according to common rules depending on application.

Charging circuit: 3 mm²

Headlights: 2 mm²

Others: 1 mm²

For accessories, I took a measurement that showed 11 A per horn, 2 A for wiper motor and 1.1 A for heater fan. Fog light and reverse lights are wired with 2 mm² as headlights. Three Anderson 50 A connectors are used for high current wires. These are probably oversized but I don’t want to have voltage drop issues. Everyone knows those dim or varying lights or slow wipers when activating headlights or horns.

Some improvements were also fitted.

– Due to the high current of horns, and the inductive load they feature, they are both driven by a single relay to protect the expensive push button of the centre panel.

– All devices are grounded with a black wire to the chassis with a shake proof washer. The individual grounding was not original and is still probably not included in standard looms. Ground wires are same gauges as the related coloured wires. The shake proof washer allows a very good contact with chassis. The washer is installed between chassis and the eyelet terminal.

– A protection circuit with 470 µF capacitor and 100 ohms resistor is implemented on fuel sender to prevent any sparks inside the tank when the switch opens. I’ve never heard of such an accident but the cost is almost nothing. The loom is long hence inductive and this is why there could be an overvoltage peak when the switch opens. The circuit must be fitted close to the fuel sender.

The first schematic shows the global loom with colours, wire diameters and conduits length and diameter. The wire characteristics are always written above the wire when reading these characteristics.

The second schematic shows the centre panel and remote dash instruments wiring.

Ed’s note: Both schematics are shown at the end of this article and they will also be uploaded to the ‘Publications’ section of the website.

For a LHD car, I guess the chart would be very similar except for some conduits length. Mind the dipper foot switch for late cars and the conduits leading to the centre panel.

Building the loom

I first built the entire loom and then installed it on the car from underneath the dash board. Then, I connected and checked every equipment one by one. I used a power supply instead of the battery when testing an equipment. Thanks to current limitation of the power supply, a short circuit is not destructive. The conduits are braided ones except under the fenders where they are waterproof. The nylon braided ones are very easy to use because they feature a variable diameter depending on length. They are easy to adjust at the correct length when installed. When making the loom, I inserted one heatshrink at each end of each conduit. These heatshrinks are only heated on the car when everything is adjusted, connected and tested.

Inserting the wiper motor cable in the screen pillar can be quite frightening but eventually this operation was quite easy. I just had to remove the screws attaching the side support and the bottom and top corner brackets. Then I was able to insert the new cable using the old one to pull it in. Buy the special cable for this. It is expensive but really worth it.

Same technique for the rear number plate cable inside the spare wheel support.

Every wire is tin soldered to its terminal or before inserting it into a screw type terminal.

When wiring the centre panel, take care of the ignition and petrol warning lamps as they must be insulated from the panel itself.
It should be easy to add any specific equipment such as radio, cigar lighter or GPS to this basic loom. Why not a low power fridge ! But have a look on the maximum capacity of the battery, the generator charging current and the 2 fuses.

Be patient and work thoroughly and you will experience how rewarding it is when you first hear the horn sound as you push the switch on the dash.

Bill of materials

Black, 3 mm², 4 m
Brown/blue 3 mm², 2 m
Brown, 3 mm², 3 m
Brown/white, 3 mm², 2 m
Red/white, 1 mm², 1 m
Green, 3 mm², 2 m
Black 1mm²; 8 m
White/black, 2 mm², 1 m
Brown/blue, 1mm², 1 m
Blue/white, 1 mm², 2 m
Yellow, 1 mm², 2 m
White, 1 mm², 2 m
Light green 1mm², 2 m
Green/yellow, 1 mm², 2 m
Green/brown, 1mm², 3 m
Yellow/black, 1mm², 6 m
Brown/green, 1mm², 1 m
Brown/black, 1mm², 2 m
Green/blue, 1mm², 2 m
Green, 1mm², 6 m

(Click diagrams to view larger versions)

Back Cover Photos

Above: “Just back home after a 150 mile round trip on the Regency (Brooklands to Brighton) Run. The old girl did not miss a beat. Not bad for a 68 year old (1946 TC)” – Ian Robinson. Below: “Out again – bring on the summer!” – Ger O Reilly. Both photos received via the MG T-Types Facebook page at

Above: Peter Roberts’ fine TC at the entrance to the Esses at Lime Rock Park natural-terrain motorsport road racing venue located in Lime Rock, Connecticut, United States. Below: Royston Goodman says “Our first Octagon club run of the year for the T’s. A sunny crisp Spring day in the Scottish Highlands; where better to be than with these old cars and friends!”