Bits and Pieces

The Douglas Bader TA – The article in the last issue has generated a lot of interest.

• Peter Bird, noting the comment that the car may have been modified to enable Bader to drive it more easily, e-mailed as follows:

My father, who had worked at Jarvis of Wimbledon as a mechanic before the war was stationed at Tangmere at the same time as Bader and because of his experience with MGs worked on the car and drove it on a number of occasions. Apparently the brake and clutch pedals were transposed to suit Bader’s artificial legs. This made driving difficult and my father claimed that he could only drive it with his legs crossed. It would be interesting to know whether anyone else can confirm this”.

• Rob Dunsterville from Forster, New South Wales e-mailed with the following:

I had correspondence with a chap who worked with one of the dealers in South London when I was researching my Jarvis story and he mentioned seeing the Bader VA but I can’t remember him saying anything about the TA. Didn’t he start with a J2? (Ed: Yes!) The VA was bought before the end of the war by his wife and she had the controls altered so that the car was ready when he got back from being a POW”.

• John Gripton of Red Wells, London Road, ASCOT e-mailed to advise me that his house is actually in Sunninghill, ASCOT, so my reference to Bader having possibly moved later to Sunninghill from Red Wells was incorrect. It’s one and the same place!

New stub axles for TA/TB/TC

Tim Patchett (T-racer) has arranged for another batch of stub axles. The price is £675.00 per pair, plus carriage.

Please contact Tim for full details: happypeople222(at) {please substitute @ for (at)}.

Classic Car Paintings – I have received the following from artist, Alan Denning:

I have a passion for classic cars and I also paint mostly using water colours. Just recently I have combined the two, please take a look at my new web site

Here you will see a selection of my water colour paintings. These were all painted from photos I have taken at classic car meetings or car museums. If you or any of your members would like me to paint a water colour of their classic car please click the link in the top right hand corner of my web page and it will suggest what to do next.

Repair of Clocks – John Thompson has contacted me to say that he is happy to add his name to those of others who have received excellent service on the repair of clocks by David Ward. John’s clock in his TF was successfully repaired by David,

For those who are looking to have their clocks repaired, David can be contacted on: warddavid(at) {please substitute @ for (at)}

Hagerty International Insurance – I have recently received a couple of bouquets about Hagerty’s competitive quotations and their service as follows:

• The first was from an owner with a fleet of six classic vehicles, who said:

I am progressively moving my 6 classic vehicles over to them. They are so helpful and the prices are great. I am going to have all 6 vehicles on one policy by the time 12 months has rolled round – what a time saver! Of course, you never know with insurance until you make a claim but so far I’m hooked on Hagerty’s service.

• The second was from an owner who has insured two classic vehicles with them, one of which is a T-Type:

Genuine and straight forward just as it should be. Impressed!

Both owners obtained quotations using the promotional code: CCTTT.

Talk and Film Show at Albury Village Hall (nr Ware, Hertfordshire) on 7th May.

TTT 2 member and subscriber, Richard Hinton has e-mailed with details of the above event.

Richard is a member of a group of lifelong motor racing enthusiasts drawn from all corners of the country, many of whom have been competitors themselves or worked in some branch of motor sport or the industry.

Three times a year the group runs “History of Motor Racing” film shows with a guest speaker at Albury village hall (between Ware and Bishops Stortford, in Herts). The next film show talk day is on 7th May and is devoted to all things MG.

Richard would like to welcome owners of T–Types, Triple-Ms and later models to bring their cars and park them on the lawns of the village hall for this all day event.

On offer is morning coffee, a 2 course barbecue lunch, afternoon tea and cakes, lunchtime quiz, 3 hours of films and well known guest speakers, Mike Allison, Graham Robson and Peter Browning.

All this for £30 for this non-profit making event.

If you would like to register an interest, please e-mail Richard at richard(at) {Substitute @ for (at)} and he will put you on his e-mail newsletter database which will ensure that you receive all notifications and news as soon as bookings open.

DVLA representative for the MG Octagon Car Club

Some of you will know that I process applications for reclaimed and age-related registration marks for the MG Octagon Car Club. As a Club member I do this work on a voluntary basis.

If you would like to avail yourself of this service the fee is a modest £25 for Club members and £50 for non-members and dealers. The DVLA fee is currently £55 for age-related applications (there is no fee for reclaimed registration mark applications).

My contact details are jj(at) {please substitute @ for (at)} or phone 0117 986 4224. It’s best to e-mail brief details or phone first before proceeding with an application.

Business was brisk in 2015 (my first year of doing the job) with nearly 50 applications processed.

I recently received a letter from a private business individual offering this service for an average total fee of around £200 to £250!

Totally T-Type 2 – Issue 36 – June 2016

The next issue is due out around about 15th May and will include some items which have been held over from this issue. This will include:

• An article from Frans Sitton on his TF rebuild

• Some words of wisdom from Steve Cameron entitled “Right to the Core”

• Another instalment from Norman Verona on his TC rebuild

• An article from Ian Linton on fitting a low oil pressure switch for his MPJG engine

• An article entitled “Oil Circuit Improvement” from Laurent Castel.