Bits and Pieces

Oil Pressure Hose Disasters

Issue 15 included a caveat emptor in an article from Paul Ireland about an after-market oil pressure hose he bought. Erik Benson posted a website comment on the article saying that he had identified the root cause of the failure in an article in the Octagon Bulletin in 2011. Eric suffered a hose failure in his early TD and put this down to the brass tube part of the after-market hose not having a shoulder as provided in the original fitment (see photo).

VW Steering boxes and Tubular Extractor Manifolds

Dieter Wagner e-mailed following Mike Harvey’s article in Issue 15. Referring to Mike’s comments on page 21 of Issue 15, Dieter wrote:

(Mike says) ”that he can’t fit a VW steering because he uses a tubular extractor manifold on his MG TC. As you can see in the pictures, I have no problem to fit a VW steering together with my special manifold. This manifold is normally screwed with only four bolts to the head. The basis plate of the manifold is made from steel and not cast like the original and it tends to bend on the ends if it gets hot. Then the exhaust may blow. To overcome this problem I made two brackets in the shape of an “L” (see pics). This way the ends of the basis plate are pressed to the cylinder head”.

Dieter’s photos to show that the VW ‘box’ fits.

Two more photos from Dieter to show the brackets which prevent the basis plate of the extractor exhaust manifold from distorting.

Mike Harvey’s slightly different solution (above and below) for the manifold securing arrangements – see text which follows.

Mike provided some detailed fitting instructions and drawings for his manifold securing arrangements. Unfortunately I don’t have the space in this issue for these and as the drawings have appeared in another magazine, I would, as a matter of courtesy, need to approach its editor. Hopefully this can be cleared for publication in the April issue.

As to the question of whether the VW steering box would fit with the extractor exhaust manifold, Mike pointed out that different suppliers individually hand construct their tubular manifolds to their own jigs and therefore there may well be slight differences between the manifolds available for the XPAG. He added:

The tubular manifold was already fitted when I puchased my car in 2003 so I don’t know the supplier, but certainly the Datsun steering box I purchased after the engine was rebuilt in 2006 fouled the exhaust manifold’s forward pipe. I looked at the VW conversion at a later date and it looked to be of similar dimensions to the Datsun box, however by then I’d rebuilt the front axle and refitted it correctly with 8 degree castor which together with a correctly adjusted Bishops Cam box and rose jointed drag link and track rod, the steering was very satisfactory so I never pursued it further. Thanks to Dieter for his correction and sorry if my comment re the VW box has caused confusion.

Front Leaf Springs for TC

Those who have ordered (and paid for) these springs have been separately notified regarding delivery.

Rear Leaf Springs for TD & TF

There is certainly demand for a small batch of each to be made but I don’t have a drawing as per the drawings in ‘Blower’. If anybody is able to provide me with the information I can arrange for manufacture.

Interleaf pads on TD/TF (and Y) rear springs

I am embarrassed by the delay but I am hoping to get the machine shop who made the bronze TA/TB spring trunnions to make some for me.

Large Rear Shackle Bushes for the TC

These have sold well and stock is down to only enough for four (4) cars. Another 100 bushes were ordered just before Christmas and should be ready for collection by the end of January. Plenty of the smaller bushes for TC and TD/TF are in stock.

Steel Crankshaft and rods for the XPAG

There are three (3) interested parties so far. Farndon Crankshafts (who we have been to see – and came away most impressed) are aware of our interest. They can also supply steel cranks for the MPJG engine.